
50 commonly used words in English

50 commonly used words in English along with their meanings

50 commonly used words in English along with their meanings

1. The - Definite article used to specify something particular.

2. Of-Expressing relationship or belonging.

3. And Conjunction used to connect words, phrases, or clauses.

4. A-Indefinite article used to refer to a non-specific object.

5. To-Preposition indicating direction, place, or purpose.

6. In Preposition indicating location or position.

7. Is Third-person singular form of "to be."

8. You Second-person pronoun.

9. That - Demonstrative pronoun referring to something specific.

10. It-Third-person singular neuter pronoun.

11. He - Third-person singular masculine pronoun.

12. Was - Past tense of 'to be."

13. For - Preposition indicating purpose or intention.

14. On-Preposition indicating position or surface.

15. Are - Present tense of "to be" for plural subjects.

16. With - Preposition indicating association.

17. As-Conjunction for comparison or reason.

18.1-First-person singular pronoun

19. His Possessive form of "he."

20. They-Third-person plural pronoun.

21. Be Base form of the verb "to be."

22. At Preposition indicating location or time.

23. One-Singular number or unit..

24. Have - Verb indicating possession or obligation.

25. This - Demonstrative pronoun referring to something close.

26. From Preposition indicating source or origin.

27. Or-Conjunction presenting alternatives.

28. Had Past tense of "have."

29. By Preposition indicating agency or means.

30. Not-Adverb used to make negatives.

31. But Conjunction indicating contrast.

32. What-Interrogative pronoun asking for information.

33. All-Adjective or pronoun meaning the whole.

34. Were-Past tense of 'are.'

35. We-First-person plural pronoun.

36. When Conjunction or adverb for time.

37. Your Possessive form of 'you."

38. Can - Modal verb indicating ability.

39. Said-Past tense of "say."

40. There - Adverb or pronoun indicating place.

41. An Indefinite article used before vowel sounds.

42. If-Conjunction introducing a condition.

43. Do-Verb meaning to perform or execute.

44. Will-Modal verb indicating future intent.

45. Each - Pronoun meaning every one of two or more.

46. About Preposition meaning on the subject of.

47. How - Interrogative adverb asking for manner or process.

48. Up-Preposition or adverb indicating direction.

49. Out-Preposition or adverb indicating motion away.

50. Them - Object form of "they."

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