The s sun was descending like a
Cataract in the eye of the sky,
The rain was constantly splashing against the sky ,
Washing it , so that it began to look drenched and forlorn ,
And it was thundering in anger .
Ma Jocreate 11 The sun , seizing the opportunity ,
Pushed the clouds away and crept out
Like a school boy quickly entering
And cowering at the back of the class
To evade attention of the angry school master .
Slowly the pale sun began to turn yellow ,
And with that its light scattered in all directions ,
Seeing the light the school master asked ,
" Where have you been all this while ?
Was your slate not clean or did you not get enough to eat ?
Is this the time for the sun to rise ? "
By now the sun was shining in all its splendour ,
It answered proudly ,
" What is the point of getting annoyed ,
There is no set time for the sun to rise .
Whenever it rises, that is sunrise.
Padma Sachdev
Translated by Dr Karan Singh