
Ode To Autumn By John Keats Summery English


 By John Keats

Ode to autumn poem Summary



 About the Poet

 John Keats is a famous poet from the second generation of Romantic Age. His birth date is 31 October, 1795. His father died when he was eight and his mother when he was fourteen. He opted for medicine as profession but passion of writing made him to quite this idea. He began his writing while receiving education in Enfield. His first work was translation of Virgil's Aeneid. Parents death drew him very close to his brothers. His brother Tom died of tuberculosis, so did Keats later on. In February 1821, he died in his friend's hands in Rome. Though he died at a very young age but the work he contributed to the literature is unbelievable.

 The poetry of Keats is characterized by sensual imagery most notably in the series of odes. As his works got published only four years before his death. So his reputation grew after his death. Keats wrote, “If poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree it had better not come at all. He used the term negative capability (the capacity of transcend and revise the context) to discuss the state in which we are capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts etc. Wentworth place played an important role in Keats ' creation. He composed five of six great odes at the place.



Ode to autumn” is a poem composed in 1819 why ' got published in 1820 in a volume of Keats ' poem that included the poems “Lamia” and “The Eve of St. Agnes.” The poem, like other odes, is addressed to a particular thing and here it is the season of autumn. The poem is of three stanzas. Each stanza consists of eleven lines. Each stanza is roughly divided into two parts. First part is of four lines while the second is of seven lines. The quatrain follows the rhyme scheme of AB AB while the second part of each stanza varies in rhyme scheme. As in first stanza, it’s CD ED CCE and in second or third stanza, it’s CD EC DDE.

The poem is an address to the autumn season. In this poem, the poet has pointed out the importance of this season. Every one takes autumn as a time period when no construction takes place but the poet has proven all of them wrong by showing the procedure that takes place during this time. He has shown the season as the preparation module for the construction of future. Its like a production time period , things start building up in Autumn and then human beings get finished and ripened goods in the famous and beautiful season of spring . It’s the labour of autumn season which gives such an amazing spring season to all. If autumn stops working on the process of varies goods and products then there will be amazing spring.




 John Keats says that it appears as if the autumn season and sun are best friends and in the timings of mist, they are planning to provide sweetness and to ripen the fruits. They are conspiring to load the vines with fruits as well, so that they bend over the thatched roof due to the weight. They want to fill the fruits with juices and sweetness to the centre of it. Then the bees have been provided with a great number of flowers to collect honey.

They wish to give such a supply that bees would feel that the warm weather is never going to end. Their cells will be full of extremely sweet honey. Then the poet personifies the autumn season as a lady who is found sitting on the floor of the granary. With the breeze from winnowing mill, her hair is dancing in the air. Then one can find her asleep in the fields of poppy seeds. Poppy flowers have made her fall asleep. Sometimes, poet finds her near fields or brook wandering like a gleaner to find out some grains. Other times, she is found sitting patiently near apple juice maker machine, waiting for cider to ooze. All these images show the idea that autumn season prepares everything to be served in spring.

 The last stanza talks about the music. He asks where the music of spring season is. Then he advises not to think about it as autumn season have its own music. When the day ends and the sky is full of clouds and a redness is being created on the clouds and a redness is being created on the empty fields , that time gnats create sad music as the choirs play at funeral . Fully grown lambs are also contributing at the riverside. The crickets and red breast birds are playing their part and swallows too create a different but beautiful music. The dying day suggests that everything must have a proper end


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