
Poem 'Prayer' by G.A.Mehjoor

Poem 'Prayer'

by G.A.Mehjoor


Lines 1-6 

Lord! You are my hope and trust,Lead me to the way of truth;

 How long shall I dwell in ignorance ! Pour me the nectar of knowledge.

 Lend ear to my wailing and pleas, cure me of ills and pains; 

lead me to the way of truth; Be kind each moment to me; let me never feel in want. 

Save me from sloth, infirmity and doubt,

Surcharge my heart with passion, zest and hope.


Lines 7-12 

Let me not ever chant the sleep-inducing tales; 

Let me sing the songs which infuse life into the dead. 

Let me sing of that inspires people with love, 

And cause all bitterness and hatred to vanish. 

You brought me to bloom with the earliest vernal breeze; 

Let not the burning heat of summer wither me grey.


Lines 13-18

Like dew, how long shall I wait for the first flash of the sun?

Awaken me  with the flowers in the first stroke of the dawn.

In form I am a man, In substance far from humanity,

Subject me not in trials, Shame not my human form.

Forsaken by men I, and so they call me Mehjoor,

People may desert thus but you don't abandon me Lord!


 The poem”Prayer” is originally written by G.A.Mehjoor.He was born on August 11 in the year 1887 in Mitrigam area of Pulwama of south Kashmir and died at the age of 66 on April 9 in the year 1952. Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh released a postage stamp in his honour on June 26 in the year 2013.

Man being superior to all the other creatures is ultimately helpless and submissive to Almighty Allah. In the poem, ‘Prayer’ the poet begs to Almighty Allah in a desperate and earnest way to provide him with knowledge and to save him from sluggishness, weakness and ignorance.

The poem is addressed to God. The poet implores his Lord to lead him to the path of truth. He has been, since long past, dwelling in the house of ignorance, so he requests his Lord to pour upon him the nectar of knowledge. He wants his Lord to be receptive to his wailings and pleas, and give him rid of all ills and pains. He implores Him to be always kind to him so that he will never feel himself in want. He earnestly requests Him to save him from sloth, infirmity, and doubt, and surcharge his heart with passion, zest, and hope.

The poet begs his Lord to spare him from chanting sleep-inducing tales, and instead let him sing such songs that will infuse life into the dead. He wants his songs should inspire people with love and remove hatred from them. He aspires his life should flourish with spring blossoms and it is spared from stifling heat of summer. He wants to be awakened with flowers in the first stroke of dawn.

The poet also implores his Lord not to put him to harsh tests lest his human form should be put to shame. The poet has always felt being deserted by the people so he implores his Lord not to desert him.



The poem ’Prayer’ has been pen locked by ‘G.A. Mehjoor’ popularly known as ‘Shair-e-Kashmir’. The poem is addressed to God and the poet beseeches God to guide him to the path of truth. Earlier, he has been living a life full of ignorance, so he earnestly requests his lord give him to drink the nectar of knowledge. He pleads his lord to pay heed to his wailings and pleas and cure him of all distress and pain. He wants that his lord shall remain always kind to him so that he will never feel want and need of anything. He prays God to save him from sloth, infirmity and doubt. He requests lord to impregnate his heart with passion, zest and hope.

The poet wants to avoid those songs which will induce sleep among the people and want to chant such songs that can fill enthusiasm into their dead souls. He wants that his songs should inspire people with love and rid hatred that exists between them. God has brought him to bloom (to life) like the flowers of spring that flourish with the earliest breeze so he asks Him to protect him from the burning heat of summer which can wither him grey. He wants awakening like the flowers that flourish in the first stroke of dawn.

In the end of the poem, the poet says to his lord that in form he looks a human being but fact is that he doesn’t possess humanity. Therefore. he requests almighty to save him against the bitter tests of life so as his human form will not feel shame and guilt in their failure. The poet is not afraid about people who may desert him but he eagerly requests his lord not to abandon him.


Analysis of Prayer by G.A. Mehjoor

He is straightforward and composes with the extraordinary assortment and it is this particular aesthetic quality that he has possessed the capacity to compose verses, melodies, tributes, funeral poems, writing, life story, novel, interpretations, and feedback. The abstract commitments of Mahjoor obviously demonstrate that as a writer he is so intense and creative that he has possessed the capacity to move his perusers stylishly, profoundly, ethically and socially as well as mentally. The extent and universe of Mahjoor’s inventive workmanship are so tremendous and vast that there can be no closure of research and any investigation toward this path will be considered as the greatest.service to this nation.

Mehjoor has profound confidence in the power and supremacy of God and he additionally has firm faith in the endowments of Prophet Mohammad (SAW). He believes that the salvation of a man from a wide range of troubles and challenges is conceivable just when one would dedicate himself to God and the Prophet (SAW). He demonstrates this soul and dedication in these verses:

“Sahib sath chum me cheeni wauth me aslich hawatum

Kut Kala rosi baizan, Zanhund mas chaw tam”

Mehjoor through his undying stanzas teaches lessons about nature, love, harmony, solidarity, confidence in God, maintaining human values, the pointlessness of strife’s, envy, contempt, and he also touches the mind of the general population by awaking their conscience, and advocates the concern of poor people, discouraged, and stifled labourers. He perpetually shows his country to figure out how to live with respect and pride and battle for their lost character and opportunity. He attempts to restore and fortify the conclusions of the general population to battle against bad form brutality and insurgency.

Mehjoor because of his interesting style of composing has earned a godlike place in the Kashmiri writing. His lyrics uncover that he is an artist with grandiose beliefs and goals and convey home to one’s mind that his verse gets control from the force and truthfulness of his encounters and build up the way that what originates from the heart goes to the heart and after that appear as strong and engaging imaginative manifestations. He feels profoundly yet his feelings are quiet and tranquil and it’s anything but a fierce enthusiasm.

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