Poems are not only etched in the leaves of literature but intertwined in our lives too. No wonder, readers have identified those verses sometimes as allies resonating with the echos of their hearts, and at other times they mimic mentors advocating the most crucial life lessons.
"A Dream unlo 11 Deferreder her wings
Langston soothe Hughes and we'll in
"What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?"Hughes' poignant poem challenges students to examine the importance of pursuing their dreams. It encourages them to follow their passions and avoid letting life's delays extinguish their aspirations.
"Hope is the Thing with Feathers" by Emily Dickinson
"Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, Dickinson's poem portrays hope as a bird that never stops singing, even in the harshest storms. For students, it serves as a reminder that hope is an ever-present force that can carry them through the toughest times.
✓ "The will to Win"
by Berton Braley seinen
"If you want a thing bad enough To go out and fight for it, Work day and night for it..."This motivational poem encourages students to have a strong will to win in everything they do. It's about perseverance, overcoming adversity, and staying dedicated to one's goals.
by William Ernest Henley
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" serves as a powerful reminder to students to churn out their academic destinies and fight against all odds. Ernest's verses rightfully infuse resilience and courage in students.
Gubio bih godine i godine,
ažeći savr Don't Quit by Anonymous Poet ožda bih se čak i zagubio u univerzumu.
Rekoh ipak Sunce.
Je ne When things go as they sometimes will" adaowhen the road you are trudging seems all duphill" lines echo the power of tenacity and ne ne bi postojaler da helping them excel in life.
resilience. It offers the right dose of šta vredi nebo okićeno najsjajnijim zvezdama, perseverance and and determination mination to students,
Poem ' If '
"If-" is a poem by English poet Rudyard Kipling.
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