
The Last Lesson Summery, Word meaning

The Last lesson 
By Alphonse Daudet

The last lesson summary


'The Last Lesson' is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War, led by Bismarck Prussia defeated France and the French districts of Alsace and Lorraine passed into Prussian hands. The two protagonists of the story, M. Hamel and Franz are from Alsace. M. Hamel is a French teacher and Franz is one of his students. The story revolves around how the war plays a pivotal role in their lives.


The chapter, "The Last Lesson' covers the themes of patriotism, freedom of language and love for one's mother tongue. The story stresses on the importance of education and the necessity to respect and learn one's own language. It also reflects to the unfair practice of linguistic chauvinism - refers to an unreasonable pride in one's own language while disregarding other languages and considering it to be inferior.


Franz was a student in Mr. Hamel's class at a school in Alsace, France. The country was now controlled by the Prussians. One day, a notice came from Berlin informing that French would no longer be used in classrooms. All classes would now be taught in German, Mr. Hamel told his class that this was his last day of teaching. Everyone was surprised and sad. Mr. Hamel told the students that they have to study hard and keep their French language alive. He said that if a country kept its language, only then it could never be enslaved by another country. Franz felt bad that he had not studied harder. After that. Mr. Hamel had his final lessons in the class. All the students studied very diligently. They suddenly understood how important learning was. As the class came to an end, Mr. Hamel looked very sad. Before he dismissed the class, he wrote on the blackboard in very large letters. "Vive La France!" Long live France!

Word Meaning

A great bustle: a lot of noise created by many people

Apprentice: trainee

At one stroke: at once

Beetles: a large-sized insect

Blushed: face turned red in colour due to shame

Bulletin-board: a notice board for putting up the latest news and communication

Choked: became unable to speak due to strong emotions

Commotion: noise and confusion

Cooed: the sound made by the pigeons

Couldn't give up: cannot leave

Counted on: depended upon

Cranky: strange, short tempered

Dreadful: frightening

Drilling: exercising

Fix in his mind: store or keep forever

Gazing: looking intently
Gesture: a signal 
Grave: serious

In great dread of: fear of
In unison: at the same time

Mixed up: confused. 
Not even the littlest ones refer to the pigeons

Nuisance: problem, burden

Pale: used to describe a person's face or skin if it has less colour than usual

Pretend: show Primer: basic reader of any language

Rapping: striking.
Resist: to stay away

Saar: a river which passes through France

Sawmill: a factory for cutting wood

Solemn: serious. 
Sunday clothes: the best dress that a person has.

Tempting: attracting

Thumbed: torn and damaged

Thunderclap: used in comparison to refer to something startling or unexpected

To reproach: blame

Trumpets: a musical instrument.

Twined: twisted

Who worked right on tracing their fishhooks: scratching with their claws

Wretches: here, it refers to an unfortunate happening

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