
Mouse Story


Shorte Story

Mouse  Short Story


Once upon a time, a peasant brought a mouse trap to kill the mouse. The mouse ran to the rooftop and request the pigeon  to solve his problem by removing the trap from the house.The pigeon replied that this is not my issue. You will be  Killed I have nothing with it.

   Then the mouse ran towards the cock and request him to resolve his issue. The cock replied that this is not my issue.

The mouse again tried to take his issue to the goat. The goat replied that this is not my issue. 

 All the animals remain in a false illusion that the peasant  is doing good for them and they didn't support  the mouse at all. 

 The mouse finally decided to run away from the house to live in the forest. The mouse reached the  forest at first the mouse faced many challenges but  later he managed to live there happily. 

After some time a snake entered the peasant's house at night. The mouse trap caught the snake. Suddenly the peasant's wife woke up at midnight  to find out what happened there. 

When she set foot outside the snake bites her. The peasant's wife screamed loudly. The peasant woke up and find his wife unconscious. He went street to the person who was famous for treating patients having snake bites. He brought him home. The person told him that the blood of the pigeon is required urgently to treat her. The peasant killed the pigeon immediately and the blood of the pigeon was applied to treat the snake bite. Some relatives of the peasant's wife came to see the peasant's wife. 

The peasant killed the cock and serve the cock meet to the guests at his home.Unfortunately, the Peasant's wife died after some days. The peasant killed the goat to serve the people who were there with him to do the last rights of his wife.


You are on a trial in this world think before it is too late to do good for others.

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