
Unseen passage's Summery

Unseen passage's Summery

Poster writing format along with an example:

Unseen Passage:

In the quiet town of Eldridge, a mysterious fog rolled in every evening, enveloping the streets and gardens in a thick, gray mist. The townsfolk had grown accustomed to the phenomenon, weaving tales of old spirits and lost travelers. Children would play hide and seek within the swirling clouds, while adults shared stories over warm cups of tea. Despite the fog's eerie presence, it brought the community together, fostering a sense of unity and shared experience. One evening, a newcomer named Clara arrived, intrigued by the legends. As she wandered through the fog, she stumbled upon an ancient oak tree, its gnarled branches reaching out like skeletal hands. Beneath its canopy, she found a forgotten journal filled with tales of love, loss, and hope from those who had lived in Eldridge long before her.



In the town of Eldridge, a nightly fog brings the community together, inspiring tales of spirits and unity among the residents. A newcomer, Clara, intrigued by these legends, discovers an ancient oak tree and a forgotten journal beneath it. The journal contains stories of past inhabitants, highlighting themes of love, loss, and hope.

Unseen Passage

One beautiful spring day, a red rose blossomed in a forest. Many kinds of trees and plants grew there. As the rose looked around, a pine tree nearby said, "What a beautiful flower! I wish I was that lovely." Another tree said, "Dear Pine, do not be sad, we can't have everything." The rose turned its head and remarked, "It seems that I am the most beautiful plant in the forest." A sunflower raised its yellow head and asked, "In this forest there are many beautiful plants. You are just one of them. The red rose replied, 'I see everyone admiring me." Then the red rose looked at a cactus and said, "Look at that ugly plant full of thorns!" The pine tree said, "Red rose, what kind of talk is this? You have thorns, too. The he tree said, 'Red rose, what kind of talk is this? You have thorns, too." The proud rose looked angrily at the pine and said, "You have no taste! You can't compare my thorns to that of the cactus."

Ans: Summary

Title: Proud Rose

A red rose blossomed among many trees and plants. The pine tree wished to be like a red rose. Another tree comforted the pine tree by saying not to be sad. The sunflower told the rose that it was one of many beautiful flowers. The red rose disliked to be compared with cactus.

Unseen Passage

The forest stood as a testament to nature's resilience, its trees reaching skyward, their leaves forming a vibrant canopy. Beneath this shelter, a rich tapestry of life thrived; birds sang from the branches, while small mammals scurried through the underbrush. Streams meandered through the landscape, their crystal-clear waters nourishing the roots of ancient oaks. However, the tranquility was marred by the distant sounds of machinery-logging trucks cutting down trees to make way for development. As the habitat shrank, the delicate balance of the ecosystem was threatened, prompting a call for conservation efforts to protect these vital areas for future generations.


The passage describes a forest ecosystem thriving with life, characterized by towering trees and diverse wildlife. However, this natural beauty faces threats from logging and development, highlighting the urgent need for conservation to preserve these vital habitats.

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