
M Phil English Paper Western & Indian Theories Of Literature & Art


M. Phil I Sem. (Semester Examination 2012)


Western & Indian Theories Of Literature & Art

M phil english paper Western & Indian Theories Of Literature & Art




Note-Attempt any five questions. All Questions carry equal marks

1. What do you understand by myth criticism or Archetypal Criticism?

2. What are main characteristics of Romanticism and Classicism?

Discuss the limitations of classicism.

3. What is stream of consci usness? Name a few writers using The concept with perfection.

4. "The dissociation of sensibility began under the unhealthy Irifluence of Milton and Dryden. "Discuss.

5. Evaluate the concept of anti-hero and the term catharses Plying its role in making a traditional hero.

6. Define any two criticali concepts Rasa, Dhvani, Alamkar.

7. The theatre of absurd has given a new turn to modern dram. Evaluate.

8. Define either objective correlative or post-colonialism.

9. What is theory of deconstruction and how it has influenced Modern literary theories?

10- Differentiate symbol, image and irony

11- Realism and naturalism are the essential tools for effective in drama. Discuss

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